Monday, March 26, 2012

Half -alive

Beneath abruptly shut regretting eyes,
which cannot dare to open tonight,
to the sight of half-alive pain suffocating,
being smothered in hidden sorrows,
while i lament beyond this emptiness,
beyond wounds of this inescapable life ,
that once bore me carefully in its heart,
is now too heavy to carry in death,
as i find nothing to hold, but just tears,
over unforgettable shadows of extinct feelings,
as i stand on the timeless edge of this war,
like a powerless warrior drooping in defeat,
on the abandoned lands of barren love,
that qualms in and out stabbing my flesh.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


 Under closed eyelids
 I invent you calmly ,
 sweetly and fondly,
 like leisurely evaporating sweat,
 on stretched  long-ing legs ,
 after restless afternoon masturbation,
 singing of love and lover,
 as my eyes sweat in labor,
 till promised morn!