Wednesday, October 2, 2019


I wither away,
in the distant arms
of a disappearing dusk.
Death! How shall I find you?
For life is cold.
And eternity,
is an inert wound
that never heals.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Tonight, the Sky Goes Missing!

The skin of 3.00 AM
reflects hours of discord.
Discord between absent words
and sleepless abstractions.

A difficult touch
ripples with disbelief,
as I stroke the surface
of an inner lonesomeness.

How I resonate a resistance
for dreams that lead forth!

Bring me back the gentleness.
Bring me back the light.
Bring me back,
a new dawn.

Friday, April 12, 2019


A portrait of your nothingness,
lie carelessly on the fringes
of my halting anticipation.